Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

Jember New Hope to change in the foreseeable future

jember has carved a new history at the turn of the year soon. jember city which is leadership from the beginning is a man who is a father but now jember led by a mother, regent muddy pitch select Dr. Hj. Faida M.Mr. is regent of the women who first led this muddy town. in a new and muddy muddy motto united. in guarding the leadership of Dr. Hj. Faida. This M.Mr accompanied by KH. MUQIET ARIEF which the religious leaders in this Jember district, and 4 fractions parties supporting namely, NasDem Party, PARTY PDI-P, PAN PARTY, AND PARTY HANURA. The regent mother will carry the load so heavy mandate because one of the benchmark is the level of poverty in this jember is ranked 1st in the province of East Java. hopefully with a program that promised when the campaign yesterday realized exactly in the right place. cause of truth and goodness if done in the right place would be a devastation to jember in his tenure, the message and the impression we were a party of democracy is over and no longer supporting the serial number 1 and number 2 that exists today is who help to succeed Mother program is friend and who is an opponent blocking the capital program. regent mother Dr.Hj. Faida M.Mr. Our message Embrace everything because all are your children. Our congratulations to lead the city's beloved muddy.

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